FITUR & HOTKEY [*] HOME = Complete Card [Masmed] [*] END = Uncomplete Card [*] NUMPAD1 = Char Hack and Beret GM [*] NUMPAD2 = Char Hack and Beret SG [*] NUMPAD3 = Char Hack and Beret Assault [*] NUMPAD4 = Char Hack and Beret AWP [*] NUMPAD5 = Char Hack and Beret SMG [*] NUMPAD6 = Char Hack and Beret Secondary [*] NUMPAD0 = Reset Char Hack and Beret [*] INSERT = Spion Mode CARA PEMAKAIAN BARET & CHAR HACK + SPION : [-]Masuk Room [-]Tekan Insert [-]lalu Tekan Numpad 1 [-]Lalu Buka Inventory mu dlu [-]kembali lagi langsung Play [-]SAAT LOADING MAP[ada gambar map tempat lo main] > tekan NUMPAD 1 lagi bozz… [-]Baru main kan muncul tuh tulisan : GAME SEDANG DI PERRSIAPKAN : tekan NUMPAD 0 > klau tidak tekan 5 menit pasti DC[disconect] CARA PEMAKAIAN CARD HACK : BELI MISI YG HARGA 5000 AJA… TERUS KE LOBBY TEKAN HOME COMPLETED CARD LALU BUKA JENDELA KARTU SEBELAH INVENTORY PINDAH KAN KE KARTU O BUKA TUTUP AMPE KARTU K. SESUDAH ITU PINDAH KE KARTU P N SELESAIKAN MISI KARTU P TARA….. Silakan Bekomentar.!!! Semakin banyak berkomentar, semakin banyak backlink, semakin cinta Search Engine terhadap blog anda |
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Jumat, 01 April 2011
Cheat Point Blank PB 01042011 AZV.1 1 April 2011
Wallhack New Tested Work 1000000% No BT
Wallhack New Tested Work 1000000% No BT WIndow Xp 2 , Window XP3 ,Window 7 Posted by Andrie Danang Kurniawan 11:35 AM, under PointBlank | No comments Download : Status: Undetected Features: Wallhack Chams Crosshair No Smoke Instructions: Download the attachment. Extract hack anywhere. Start MPGHInjector.exe Start Project Blackout If the hack was injected correctly, you should see a message at the top left hand part of you screen. Press INSERT or DELETE to access the menu. Notice, this file has been packed with THEMIDA. Your antivirus may not like it, so if there is a problem with your antivirus deleting it or not allowing you to download the file, disable your antivirus while using this hack. (For example NOD32 won't let me download my own hack ) NB : saya sarankan Gunakan Injector kamu sendiri pasti work dan jngan lupa tekan insert nya saat disini 1000000% Work To PointBlank Indonesia , Ini juga bisa buat PB Amerika jngan percaya kpd yg bilang kalau Project Blackout hnya USA saja tapi ini bisa Untuk PointBlank Indonesia tested Window 7 , window xp3 dan 2 Workkkkk... Silakan Bekomentar.!!! Semakin banyak berkomentar, semakin banyak backlink, semakin cinta Search Engine terhadap blog anda |
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[Share] RPE+Minimize No BT 1jam
Nih...brayyy gue udah Edit RPE...Jadi NODETECT No Tipu udah gue pake selama 1 jam kalo tidak Legh bisa sampai 2 jam Minimize cumabisa bertahan 30 Menit trus Crash N ulang lagi GB kamu gampang kan.... LAngsung ajah... Download_1.packet Hargailah Karyaku ini... kalau mau ada yg ingin di tanyakan... Silahkan EDD My FaceBook...di (Saiy'Ahmad Azzagaf) [size="4"]Credit:by.Saiy' Ahmad Azzagaf[/size] Oke....Cukup Sekian dan Terimakasih... Buat brayyy...yg Download...Bantu Dong Buat ScanVirusnya...soalnya NET gue LEMOT... Slam Chiters... Silakan Bekomentar.!!! Semakin banyak berkomentar, semakin banyak backlink, semakin cinta Search Engine terhadap blog anda |
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