


Asmaul Husna, 99 Beautiful Names of Allah



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Rabu, 21 September 2011

New Source Code NoRespawn DKK & JumpHack

Credit :
- Sofian Karameca II
- PESpin Macros

Fitur :
[-] Norespawn Normal Map
[-] Norespawn 4 vs 4 Map
[-] Invicible Time Normal Map
[-] Invicible Time 4 vs 4 Map
[-] Planting Bomb 0 Second
[-] Defusing Bomb 0 Second
[-] JumpHigh ( Perfect Gravity = Seperti Berjalan Di Atas Bulan )

Ikuti Step Nya 1 by 1

1. Buka Dev C++ Portable
2. Buat Project Baru - Buat DLL Project Bahasa C
3. Kemudian Hapus DLLMain.c dan DLL.h
4. Tambah File Baru ( Klik Menu Project - New File )
5. Ganti Nama File Tersebut Dengan nama "cBASE.c"
Isikan Pada cBASE.c Source Code Berikut :
Name: Sofian Karameca II
Copyright: (C) Cosmic 2011
Author: •••Shaterstorm•••
Date: 31/07/11 16:21

// Kalau Mau Work Cheatnya Tolong Jangan Di Hapus


#pragma comment(a, "libsecur32.a")

#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "cBase.h"
#include "Pragmaok.h"

LPTSTR karameca = "PointBlank.i3exec";
BYTE ByteJumpHighON[7]= {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
BYTE ByteJumpHighOFF[7]= {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

char __fastcall sofiank2(void* address, int* val, char bytes)

DWORD karameca, CooL;
VirtualProtect(address, bytes, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &karameca);
memcpy(address, val, bytes);
return -1;
//*************************************************NoRespawnDKK,Magnet,Ghost,JumpH ?ack Very Happy***************************************************//
void ByPassHSAlways(){
DWORD CheatCalled = 1;
CheatCalled = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca) + ByPassHS;//Offset ByPass HackShield Untuk di Called Ajja
sofiank2((int *)(CheatCalled),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 6);
if (CheatCalled > 0) {
void NorespawnDkk(){
DWORD adrNorespawn, adrNorespawn4VS4, adrPasang, adrDefuse, adrInvicibleTime, adrInvicibleTime4VS4, adrInvicibleTime4VS4b = 0;
DWORD CheatCalled = 1;
CheatCalled = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ ByPassHS;//Offset ByPass HackShield Untuk di Called Ajja
if (CheatCalled > 0) {
adrNorespawn = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ No_Respawn;
adrNorespawn4VS4 = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ No_Respawn4vs4;
adrPasang = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ No_Pasang;
adrDefuse = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ No_Defuse;
adrInvicibleTime = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ InvicibleTime;
adrInvicibleTime4VS4 = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ InvicibleTime4vs4;
adrInvicibleTime4VS4b = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ InvicibleTime4vs4b;
sofiank2((void *)(adrNorespawn),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4);
sofiank2((void *)(adrNorespawn4VS4),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4);
sofiank2((void *)(adrPasang),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4);
sofiank2((void *)(adrDefuse),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4);
sofiank2((void *)(adrInvicibleTime),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4);
sofiank2((void *)(adrInvicibleTime4VS4),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4);
sofiank2((void *)(adrInvicibleTime4VS4b),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4);
void JumpHighON(){
DWORD JumpHighOn = 0;
DWORD CheatCalled = 1;
CheatCalled = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ ByPassHS;//Offset ByPass HackShield Untuk di Called Ajja
if (CheatCalled > 0) {
JumpHighOn = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ JumpHigh;
sofiank2((void *)(JumpHighOn),(void*)(PBYTE)ByteJumpHighON, 7);
void JumpHighOFF(){
DWORD JumpHighOff = 0;
DWORD CheatCalled = 1;
CheatCalled = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ ByPassHS;//Offset ByPass HackShield Untuk di Called Ajja
if (CheatCalled > 0) {
JumpHighOff = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(karameca)+ JumpHigh;
sofiank2((void *)(JumpHighOff),(void*)(PBYTE)ByteJumpHighOFF, 7);
//*************************************************End ^_^***************************************************************************** ?//
/*==================================Batas Cheat====================================*/
DWORD __fastcall karamecaCooL(LPCVOID MCR)

while (1) { /*Memulai Cheat/
/*============================Fungsi Hotkeys Letakkan Disini=======================================?==*/
if(GetAsyncKeyState(0x01)&0x8000){ // Klik Kanan
Sleep (1500);
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_INSERT)&1){ // INSERT ON Norespawn On
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DELETE)&1){ // DELETE OFF Norespawn Off
Sleep (100);
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_HOME)&1){ // Home On JumpHack
Sleep (125);
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END)&1){ // End Off Jumphack
Sleep (1);
Sleep (10);
return (0);

BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HMODULE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved )
MessageBox (0, "||==============================Information==============================||\n\n [-] Sofian Karameca II\n\nSpecial Thanks To : \n\n [-] All Member\n\n [-] All Member Reshackers (kwkwkwkwkw)\n\n [-] And Semua Forum & Blog Yang Tidak Suka Terhadap Reshackers\n\nFITUR\n\n [-] PlantBomb 0 Second\n\n [-] Defusing Bomb 0 Second\n\n [-] Invisible Time\n\n [-] NoRespawn\n\n [-] No Respawn Map 4 vs 4\n\n [-] Invicible Time Map 4 vs 4\n\n Hotkeys : INSERT/DELETE : ON/OFF ( Aktifkan Saat Memulai Game,Matikan Saat Selesai Pertempuran )\n\n [-] Jumphack On : HOME\n\n [-] Jumphack Off : END\n\n||====================Information====================||","Cosmic(C)",MB_ICONINFORMATION) ;
MessageBox (0, " NOT FOR SALE ^_^ ","(C)OSMIC",MB_ICONSTOP);
MessageBox (0, " Credit By Sofian Karameca II ","Cosmic(C)", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)karamecaCooL, 0, 0, 0);
Sleep (5);
char strDLLName [_MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName(hDll, strDLLName , _MAX_PATH);
if (strstr(strDLLName, "C2Studio.dll") <= 0) {
// Notice Kalau DLL Sudah di Rename
MessageBox(0, "DLL Di Rename Truzz Ngaku Ngaku DLL Lho Gituu....Dasar Leacher", "WARNING", MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP );
MessageBox(0, "Apalagi Kalau Di Reshack kwkwkwkwkwwwwk", "WARNING", MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP );
MessageBox(0, "C2Studio.dll", "Error", MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP );
MessageBox(0, "C2Studio.dll", "Error", MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP );

ExitProcess(0);//Berhentikan PointBlank.exe Agar Tidak Berlanjut



Name: Sofian Karameca II
Copyright: (C) Cosmic 2011
Author: •••Shater Storm•••
Date: 31/07/11 16:21
// Kalau Mau Work Cheatnya Tolong Jangan Di Hapus

6.Kemudian Buat Headers/File Bari Cara nya sama dengan yang cBASE.c
7.Ganti Nama File Headers Dengan "cBASE.h"
Isikan Source Codenya :
Name: Sofian Karameca II
Copyright: (C) Cosmic 2011
Author: •••Shater Storm•••
Date: 31/07/11 16:21
// Kalau Mau Work Cheatnya Tolong Jangan Di Hapus

#define No_Respawn 0x4782DC // Use CosmicLogger V.1
#define No_Respawn4vs4 0x4782E8 // Use CosmicLogger V.1
#define No_Pasang 0xF8F20000 // Use CosmicLogger V.1
#define No_Defuse 0xF8F1612E // Use CosmicLogger V.1
#define InvicibleTime 0x471194 // Use CosmicLogger V.1
#define InvicibleTime4vs4 0x4782F8 // Use CosmicLogger V.1
#define InvicibleTime4vs4b 0x478308 // Use CosmicLogger V.1
#define JumpHigh 0x3CAB77 // Use CosmicLogger v.2.1
#define ByPassHS 0x99 // Use CosmicLogger v.2.1

Name: Sofian Karameca II
Copyright: (C) Cosmic 2011
Author: •••Shater Storm•••
Date: 31/07/11 16:21
// Kalau Mau Work Cheatnya Tolong Jangan Di Hapus


8.Buat Headers/Project Lagi ( Ganti nama menjadi "Pragmaok.h" )
Isikan Source Codenya Sebagai Berikut :
/* PESpin v1.1 - v1.3 encryption markers */
/* Sofian v1.1 - v1.2 Encryption Markers Macros */

/* DEV C++ Macros */

#ifndef __Sofian_Makros__

#ifdef __BORLANDC__

#define CLEAR_START __emit__ (0xEB, 0x24, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, \
0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, \
0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, \
0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0x66, 0xBD, \
0x00, 0x00);

#define CLEAR_END __emit__ (0xEB, 0x33, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, \
0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, \
0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, \
0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, \
0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, \
0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0x66, 0xBD, 0x00, 0x00);

#define CRYPT_START __emit__ (0xEB, 0x08, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0x27, 0x54);
#define CRYPT_END __emit__ (0xEB, 0x08, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0x54, 0x37);

#define __Sofian_Makros__


/* LCC by Jacob Navia */

#ifndef __Sofian_Makros__

#ifdef __LCC__

#define CLEAR_START _asm(" .byte\t0xEB, 0x24, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, \
0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, \
0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, \
0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0x66, 0xBD, \
0x00, 0x00");

#define CLEAR_END _asm(" .byte\t0xEB, 0x33, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, \
0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, \
0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, \
0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, \
0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, \
0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0x66, 0xBD, 0x00, 0x00");

#define CRYPT_START _asm(" .byte\t0xEB,0x08,0xFC,0xFC,0xFC,0xFC,0xFC,0xFC,0x27,0x54");
#define CRYPT_END _asm(" .byte\t0xEB, 0x08, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0x54, 0x37");

#define __Sofian_Makros__


#ifndef __PESPIN_MACROS__

#define CLEAR_START \
__asm __emit 0xEB \
__asm __emit 0x24 \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0xFB \
__asm __emit 0x66 \
__asm __emit 0xBD \
__asm __emit 0x00 \
__asm __emit 0x00 \

#define CLEAR_END \
__asm __emit 0xEB \
__asm __emit 0x33 \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0xFA \
__asm __emit 0x66 \
__asm __emit 0xBD \
__asm __emit 0x00 \
__asm __emit 0x00 \

#define CRYPT_START \
__asm __emit 0xEB \
__asm __emit 0x08 \
__asm __emit 0xFC \
__asm __emit 0xFC \
__asm __emit 0xFC \
__asm __emit 0xFC \
__asm __emit 0xFC \
__asm __emit 0xFC \
__asm __emit 0x27 \
__asm __emit 0x54 \

#define CRYPT_END \
__asm __emit 0xEB \
__asm __emit 0x08 \
__asm __emit 0xFD \
__asm __emit 0xFD \
__asm __emit 0xFD \
__asm __emit 0xFD \
__asm __emit 0xFD \
__asm __emit 0xFD \
__asm __emit 0x54 \
__asm __emit 0x37 \


NB : Hanya Bisa Di Build Menggunakan DEV C++

Semoga Bermamfaat Bagi Anda Semua

SC Unlimited Hp CreateDLL



DWORD dwProcessID;

HANDLE hProcess;

char *pProcessWindowTitle = "Point Blank";

char *pProcessWindowClass = "I3VIEWER";


LPTSTR Brother = "PointBlank.i3exec";

DWORD dwBase, CheckProtection;


unsigned char VJHamimByteON [2]={0xFF, 0xFF};

unsigned char VJHamimByteOFF [2]={0x66, 0x3F};



int snHDD (void)



UCHAR szFileSys[255],szVolNameBuff[255];

DWORD dwMFL,dwSysFlags;

DWORD dwSerial;

LPCTSTR szHD = "C:\";


char *GetDirectoryFile(char *filename);

void __cdecl add_log (const char * fmt, ...);

char dlldir[320];

char *GetDirectoryFile(char *filename){

static char path[320];

strcpy(path, dlldir);

strcat(path, filename);

return path;



//Check Apakah address tersebut di protect ?

void InProtectAndModify(DWORD Offset, DWORD Pointer, DWORD Length){

VirtualProtect((int*)Offset, Length, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,
&CheckProtection); // check apakah address tsb dikunci / protected ?
kalau iya, lakukan unprotect

RtlMoveMemory((int*)Offset, (const int*)Pointer, Length); // ubah
address tsb menjadi writeable, dan lakukan patch dengan MEMpatch

VirtualProtect((int*)Offset, Length, CheckProtection, &CheckProtection); // protect lagi address tsb biar gk kena satpam


// Lakukan patch terhadap memory

int MEMhack( BYTE *Offset, BYTE *ByteArray, DWORD Length){

InProtectAndModify((DWORD)Offset , (DWORD)ByteArray , 2);



void cosmic (void *adr, char *ptr, int size)


unsigned long CheckProtection, cosmicProtected;

VirtualProtect((void*)adr,(char)size,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, & CheckProtection);

RtlMoveMemory((void*)adr,(const char*)ptr,(int)size);

VirtualProtect((void*)adr,(int)size,CheckProtection, & cosmicProtected);


int __fastcall cosmicProtection(void){

return 0;




while (1) {

if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1)&1) // Hotkey ON


DWORD dwBase = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(Brother) + 0x0050C0D4; // Base weapon

DWORD PTR1 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(dwBase))+0x174;// weapon1

DWORD PTR2 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR1))+0x30C; //<<
DWORD PTR4 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR3))+0x132; //<


DWORD PTR8 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(dwBase))+0x1CC;// Weapon2



DWORD PTR11 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR10))+0x132; //DARAH

DWORD PTR12 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(dwBase))+0x1CC;

DWORD PTR13 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR12))+0x310; //SAMBUNGAN 748

DWORD PTR14 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR13))+0xAC;// gk tau ini apa

DWORD PTR15 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR14))+0x132; //DARAH

cosmic((void *)(PTR4),(char*)VJHamimByteON,2);

cosmic((void *)(PTR7),(char*)VJHamimByteON,2);

cosmic((void *)(PTR11),(char*)VJHamimByteON,2);

cosmic((void *)(PTR15),(char*)VJHamimByteON,2);


if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD2)&1) // Hotkey off


DWORD dwBase = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(Brother) + 0x0050C0D4; // Base weapon // peluru

DWORD PTR1 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(dwBase))+0x174;

DWORD PTR2 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR1))+0x30C; //<<
DWORD PTR4 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR3))+0x132; //<


DWORD PTR8 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(dwBase))+0x1CC;



DWORD PTR11 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR10))+0x132; //DARAH

DWORD PTR12 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(dwBase))+0x1CC;

DWORD PTR13 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR12))+0x310; //SAMBUNGAN 748


DWORD PTR15 = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)(PTR14))+0x132; //DARAH

cosmic((void *)(PTR4),(char*)VJHamimByteOFF ,2);

cosmic((void *)(PTR7),(char*)VJHamimByteOFF,2);

cosmic((void *)(PTR11),(char*)VJHamimByteOFF,2);

cosmic((void *)(PTR15),(char*)VJHamimByteOFF,2);





















return (0);


BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HMODULE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) {





GetVolumeInformation(szHD,(LPTSTR)szVolNameBuff,255,&dwSerial, &dwMFL,&dwSysFlags,(LPTSTR)szFileSys,255);

if (dwSerial== 849064333){


}else{// bila Serial Number Benar

MessageBox (0, "|============•••HWID Is Not
Registered•••============|","Hardware ID Cosmic",MB_ICONSTOP);

ExitProcess(0); / bila Serial Number salah


CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)HamimCooL, 0, 0, 0);



char strDLLName [_MAX_PATH];

GetModuleFileName(hDll, strDLLName , _MAX_PATH);

if (strstr(strDLLName, "") <= 0) {

// Notice Kalau DLL Sudah di Rename

MessageBox(0, "ZZZ! udah gw kasih Gratis\nMasih aja di Rename\n Balikin ya.?", "cosmic | DC |™", MB_OK + MB_ICONWARNING );

MessageBox(0, "", "", MB_OK + MB_ICONWARNING );
ExitProcess(0);//PB g jalan


Sorce Code Ammo Gravity

jangan lupa Credit nya Christian Montolalu

credit nya jangan di rubah2 ok


LPTSTR The = "PointBlank.i3Exec";

DWORD ofsMNZ1, ofsMNZ2, dwBase, adrAmmo , adrGravity , NextProtection, CheckProtection;

#define Unlimited 0x155667

#define Gravity 0x3B885D

BYTE AmmoON[33] = {0xC7, 0x02, 0x3C, 0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x52 ,0xE8 ,0xFD ,0xC8 ,0xEB ,0xFF ,0x83 ,0xC4 ,0x0C ,0x8B ,0x45 ,0xFC ,0x8B ,0x4D ,0x8 ,0x89 ,0x88 ,0x68 ,0x9 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x8B ,0xE5 ,0x5D ,0xC2 ,0x04 ,0x00};

BYTE AmmoOFF[33] = {0x52, 0xE8, 0x03, 0xC9, 0xEB, 0xFF, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x0C, 0x8B, 0x45, 0xFC, 0x8B, 0x4D, 0x08, 0x89, 0x88, 0x68, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8B, 0xE5, 0x5D, 0xC2, 0x04, 0x00, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC};

void Felix(void *adr, void *ptr, int size)


DWORD CheckProtection;

VirtualProtect(adr,size,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &ofsMNZ1);


VirtualProtect(adr,size,CheckProtection, &dwBase);


int SS = 0;

int BB = 0;

int __fastcall Bagicash(void)


return 0;


DWORD WINAPI ThreadStarter(LPVOID param)


while (1)


DWORD adrAmmo = 0;

DWORD CheatCalled = 5/3;

if (GetAsyncKeyState (0x01) && GetAsyncKeyState (0x02)&0x8000 ) {

DWORD Bool = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(The);

if (Bool > 0) {

adrAmmo = Bool + (DWORD) Unlimited;

montolalu((void *)(adrAmmo),(void*)(PBYTE)AmmoON, 33);




montolalu((void *)(adrAmmo),(void*)(PBYTE)AmmoOFF, 33);



if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1)&1)

DWORD HAMLIGANTENG =(DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("PointBlank.i3exec");

adrGravity = HAMLIGANTENG + (DWORD)Gravity;

montolalu((void *)(adrGravity),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x00\xCC\x3C",3);

if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F2)&1)

DWORD HAMLIGANTENG =(DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("PointBlank.i3exec");

adrGravity = HAMLIGANTENG + (DWORD)Gravity;

montolalu((void *)(adrGravity),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x00\xE0\x3F",3);




return (0);


BOOL _stdcall DllMain ( HMODULE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved )







MessageBox (0,"Home : Magnet\n\nDelete : Magnet Off\n\nEND : No Respawn Dkk\n\nF1 : Ghost Mode ON\n\nF2 : Ghost Mode Off\n\n\n:::::::::::::::::::::::::|Hacked|:::::::::::::::::::::::::","Christian-Montolalu™", MB_OK + MB_ICONINFORMATION);

CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ThreadStarter, 0, 0, 0);


return TRUE;


Credit : Christian Montolalu

[source code] all weapon permanent

Being open the calculator with hexmode how to click start> click Run> type clac> click view> click hexmode
offset the existing copy as a picture, then add the code that I love:
Character terrorists: CB (type 4byte)
Character CT: CF (type 4byte)
Helmet: D3 (type 4byte)
Beret: D7 (type 4byte)
Weapon: DB
For example 0FFFFFF 0 OFFFFFFFF FFFFFF = then the result (as usual but with a mode added hexa decimal)
once they get the added insert by right-clicking new blank white box as illustrated below:

Well located just replace the existing value in Shy earlier by right clicking on the value (offset) that has been in the add by clicking on EDIT and change the value below:
100003010 EC F5 05 M4A1 S
100003019 SG550 SI
D SOPMOD AK 100003039
100003040 AUG A3 D
100003011 K-201 Ext.

200004022 mp7 SI D1 0B EB
200004029 Ext D P90
200004031 Kriss S. VD

300005017 L115A1 D B1 E1 11
300005012 Dragunov CG

601014006 Dual D Eagle D BE D2 23
601002010 C. Python

702001012 Mini Axe D AF 29 D7

1001002010 Red viper 14 AA 3B
1001001007 Coolie Rice
1001001008 Leopard
Hide 1001001009

1103003001 Beret Assault
1103003002 Beret Sub Machine Gun
1103003003 Beret Sniper
Shotgun 1103003004 Beret
1103003005 handgun Beret

if I usually like this setting Brow
1001002013 Red Viper (same move blood )
Hide 1001001014 (move the same blood )

Main (must have [no use])
200004031 Kriss S. VD
300005017 L115A1 D

1102003007 (helmet )
1102003006 (helmet & Track)

Melee (harsu have [no use])
702001012 Mini Axe
Smoke (must have [no use]
904007007 (WP SMOKE)

ip: remember is that for secondary weapons such as axes and knives weapon bombs are memilliki item that should not be going to DC / exit from the game. Use it wisely do not be traded.
translate in mbah google

no doble post
no leancher
no junk
no show off

Editing DLL & Create Trainer WIth TMK persembahan terakhir ^

maafkan saya membuat topik yg tidak bermutu dan jelek ini ,mari belajar bersama
(terutama saya minta maaf buat para donatur)

pertama kita harus download dulu softwarenya.
download PE Explorer di sini !
kalo udah install,itu ada trial 30 hari nya swt
download cracked version yg R5 aja gpp ,download disini ! (tinggal di copas ke
folder PE mu)
tapi kalau ada yg punya newer version dari yg punya ku boleh di tambahkan

udah di download ?
siapin dll yg mau di edit (tentunya disini kita mau edit WH)
klik kanan di dll seperti gambar dibawah ini :

Resized to 62% (was 1280 x 800) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

jgn hiraukan bulatan merah hehehe

lalu :

Resized to 62% (was 1280 x 800) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

klik bulatan biru !dari sini kalian udah bisa mulai otak atik sendiri..jgn takut rusak .
.makanya sesuatu yg mau di edit harus di BACK-UP
lalu klik shift+ctrl+E !
taraaa..keluar section editor
disini lah di otak atiknya
silahkan berkreasi masing2.

untuk WH donasi kemarin aku edit dengan ini ,terbukti aku yg pure inject.(no trik hs 
lama,suspend,bla bla bla)

untuk bumbu lain bisa ditambahin packer/compressor.

logikanya seperti ini :
WH = teroris mau pasang bom di kantor polisi.
PB = kantor polisi.
HS = polisi bersenjata lengkap.

sekarang WH misal kamu inject tanpa kamu otak atik ,sama aja kayak teroris itu 
mau pasang bom tapi ga pake baju.apa jadinya teroris ga pake baju tapi bawa bom ?
baru masuk dah di tangkap polisi bersenjata lengkap.^^

gimana caranya supaya dia ga ketauan ?pakein baju kek,celana kek.
edit kek mukanya supaya ga mencurigakan.^^

logika jalan,pikiran jalan.

all credits by Hikari.
PE Explorer 1.99 R5 cracked by Veltaros.
semoga bisa jadi awal bahan pembelajaran.
semoga snutz lebih maju lagi ^^

pensi pb <> start pra-kuliah
perlu di pin ?kayaknya ga usah deh hehe

View PostKIRA03flowerfour, on 14 October 2010 - 03:47 PM, said:
Tutorial Basic Pembuatan Trainer.
By Pinnacle

Trainer Maker Kit (TMK) adalah software untuk membuat trainer.
Kebanyakan pembuatan tmk dikhususkan untuk tools (alat bantu) cheat game.

Manfaat Tmk :
1. Tidak repot.
Apabila anda sudah mempunyai file .exe (hasil tmk) tinggal diklik dan dijakankan.
Tidak perlu lagi harus membuka tool [JaMu] game seperti:ultra hex edit, Tsearch,
cheat engine, Hiview dsb.Belum lagi harus freeze value datanya. jadi benar-benar 
simple apabila anda memiliki file sendiri.
2. Hemat memori komputer (apabila komputer anda kuno dengan ram kecil), tidak 
harus me-running software cracking sehingga menghabiskan memory.
3. Filenya berukuran kecil, mudah dimasukkan disket atau disimpan di email, apabila
anda pindah-pindah komputer (diwarnet) anda tetap bisa menjalankan cheat game, 
tanpa harus menginstal software cracking
4. Filenya berbentuk .exe dan mempunya value static artinya dapat digunakan setiap 
komputer.Apabila anda meng-[JaMu] suatu suatu softaware, value yang didapat biasanya 
dinamic artinya memory komputer anda belum tentu sama dengan value di memory komputer
teman anda. namun dengan tmk, value dimemory kebanyakan sama.

Tools yang diperlukan:
1. value offset yang didapat dari software Scanning memory (Tsearch, 
Ultra edit, hiview,dsb)
2. Software Tmk (Saya sertakan dibawah ini)
3. Kopi dan Gudang garam

1. Buka Tmk, klik Build setting
isi Process name misal : Gunbound.gme
exe name misal : Cheat GB
exe type : static
move by click : caption

2. click Objects
pilih dialog atau insert dialog, klik kanan properti (dikotak kosong dialog)
caption misal isi: Cheat GB lalu enter
3. Insert button, klik kanan properti lalu isi :
caption : misal Slot Off (kita mencoba mengaktifkan cheat slot)
klik Fct: isi slot on, centang freeze
Key : Ctl +s <-- terserah diisi sesuai keinginan anda

ni berarti ketika kita meng klik Ctrl + S maka cheat slot akan aktif, hal ini tampak
dari tombol slot off --> menjadi slot on
4. klik kanan pada button slot off, lalu klik write memory actions

5. klik wiz, muncul kotak dialog, isi value tsb (dari hasil scanning memory)

6, Misal dari scanning memory (saya menggunakan Tsearch) saya dapat value 
offset slot adalah :
7EED19 value o byte 1
7EED1A value o byte 1
7EED1B value o byte 1
klik apply
7. jadi sampai saat ini kita udah punya kotak cheat slot
8. kita ulangi langkah 3,4,5,6 dengan mencoba membuat cheat wind hack
9. Lalu kita buat cheat lag hack dan terakhir cheat delay hack
Tapi ingat anda harus memiliki value offset dari semua chaet yang kita buat tersebut, 
tentunya tugas anda mencarinya. tongue.gif tongue.gif Untuk Tutorial cracking,akan 
saya berikan sedikit artikel/turotial cara menggunakan tools Tserach, Hexview, Ultra 
Edit winsoc Pocket Editor di edisi mendatang. Jadi apabila anda belum tahu cara 
mencari value offset silahkan bertanya dan belajar dulu lewat teman atau intenet.
laugh.gif laugh.gif tampilan nya kemudian adalah sbb

10.Kita coba perindah trainer kita dengan berikut (tergantung kretifitas anda disini):
a. Insert group box, atur sedemikian rupa lalu isi dengan misal : Cheat Gunbound
b. insert text, isi: terserah anda..
c. insert text scrool, klik properti, isi terserah anda dan style juga terserah anda, anda 
dapat membuatnya sesuai dengan selera anda dan hasilnya adalah :

11.Untuk keindahan, anda saya persilahkan untuk mengexploitasi sendiri, karena masalah
tampilan itu sesuai dengan selera masing-masing.
11.kemudian setelah semua siap dan sudah sesuai dengan selera anda tampilannya,
maka selanjutnya adalah
klik build --> debug your projects
sampai disini anda dapat mempraktekkan langsung cheat ciptaan anda dengan cara 
membuka program yang ingin anda curangi kalau sudah terbukti benar dan jalan 
sempurna, maka masuk lgi ke Tmk dan tekan esc untuk meneruskan pembuatan ini.
12.Lalu Klik Build --> build your projects
program anda yang sudah tercompile menjadi .exe dpt anda lihat di Crogramfile/trainer 
maker kit namanya cheatgb.exe

14.Jalankan trainer ini, apabila anda ingin mencurangi teman anda dalam bermain game.
15.Happy cheating

Credit :

Softwarenya Cari Sendiri
Nama Softwarenya Trainer Maker Kit

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